The Smith and Wesson M&P9 is a great firearm to use daily or duty if you are in the line of work. I purchased one and took it out shooting and developed a real liking for the grip and sights that came on the cheap version. I found the M&P9 to be an excellent firearm of choice. Built for a … Smith & Wesson M&P9Read more
Smith and Wesson handguns
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Model S&W SD9 VE – Low Capacity
Firearms Online will now look at one of the most trusted names in firearms…Smith & Wesson. Smith & Wesson is the manufacturer of the Model S&W SD9 VE – Low Capacity 9MM handgun. It boasts the SDT Trigger system. Which is a self defense trigger for optimal, constant pull. In other words, If you’re caught in a “high stress situation” … Model S&W SD9 VE – Low CapacityRead more