Social Media and Guns are like water and oil these days. I am browsing and notice more and more group on Facebook are gone and twitter or X are spam havens with no good users. I have tried Parler and Gab and Mewe. All these social media outlets have an agenda and its not for the firearm owners. Some say they are free and open but they are not. Mewe never gained traction back in 2016 and the platform is clunky and cluttered and the groups are there but never really became active.
I have notices that there is not a real social media platform for firearms owners and I am not in the market to build one.
Which is why I am developing a list for gun owners, There are lost platforms on the internet that serve the firearm community better and they are called Forums. Forums have been around since the early days of the internet back then they were called BBS but its the first type of Social Media because fakebook and all the others. There are some large firearm forums like – One of the biggest on the internet with good reason – great info and lot of users to help. But the ones I am referring to are the State specific ones like the one I created for Georgia – There are hundreds of forums for gun owners and most of them have a free-open marketplace for users to buy and sell.
Good Friends over at already has an impressive list of Firearm forums for everyone to use – But did you know there are more forums then those listed?
This is why social media will not work for the average gun owner as they usually ban or delete the groups that do not comply with the agenda that they want. I mean prior to 2016 there were hundreds of groups related to firearms on facebook and while secretly there are still some now, They are not as free flowing as they once were – reminds me of learning about speakeasys in school.
Social Media platforms will continue to show how wrong gun owners are and not allow us to speak as it shows they are wrong. Its only time before all groups are gone and nothing is left for gun owners on those networks. I understand that its their platform and they can run it how they want it and life is not fair. Its just unjust that We as a whole do not get to participate in what at the moment is the largest movement we will be part of in this world.
This post is not political as I stay away from that but I was browsing this morning and just noticed how many friends and groups I am no longer part of and I can not find them anymore. It just saddens me to know that there are groups of people from across the world that I use to be able to learn from and teach others that are now not even at my figure tips anymore due to the common group we were once in is gone. I am rarely on facebook personally but I do auto-generate post to social media because its a great advertisement tool .