The Smith and Wesson M&P Shield Plus is a newer firearm that recently came to the market and has made a very large impact in compact size firearms. Because of its capacity and size it offers the best of both worlds the firearm originally comes with one-10 round magazine and one-13 round magazine.
I have found I like the 13rnd magazines better because of the extention that comes with it and allows me to better grip the firearm. I personally carry this firearm with a IWB holster from Concealment Express as my off-duty rig. I use the Sig Sauer 115gr Elite Performace V-Crown Jacket Hollow Point. I have also used many different ball ammo in it for target and it has performed flawlessly at the range.
Some highlights for this firearm are that it has the factory flat face trigger and the size of this firearm. The texture of the grip is the same as the M&P9 Series which is very textured for all conditions (S&W M&P9 Review). The grip allows the firearm to stay put in your hand even when under diverse condition such as rain, sweat, humidity and more. The flat face trigger is great for defense or target shooting.
The Shield Plus also comes in a varity of different variations which allows you to custimize the firearm like ther perfomance center version which gives you night sights and optics ready. They also have the one that gives you a red dot from Factory. I find this firearm to be great but I am also a M&P9 carrier and use both depending on how I am dressed for the day. I like the M&P line of firearms that I have purchased and used.