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President’s enemy list T-Shirt

When I saw this shirt at Patriot Depot I had to share it with everyone.

If you want to pick one of these SOLD OUT


Getting on the President’s enemy list is pretty simple: “Defend the Constitution, promote free enterprise, and nurture individual liberty.” All things that should be held as highly commendable, especially from the leader of our country. But sadly, these are the things most despised by the current administration.

Americans who believe in what this country was founded on can wear this shirt with pride, knowing that being on the President’s enemy list is a sign of a true patriot.

Printed on the back of a black t-shirt.


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Experienced gun owner that has relocated to another state in the southern US. Former Deputy Sheriff with tactical, hand to hand, close quarters training from being a deputy Sheriff. Love Guns, God and my Family, If shooting was a job I would do it.

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