Happy New Years! 2024 was a great year for all us and I hope 2025 will be even better. Thank you for your continued support and I am looking forward to seeing you in 2025.
Merry Christmas 2024 From TruArmed
Dear Readers, I want to give you a warm Merry Christmas from South Carolina this Christmas. I know I am not able to post as much as I once was but I still think of each of you. Its a great time of the year to clean, organize and plan your next purchase to go with what you received at … Merry Christmas 2024 From TruArmedRead more
RemArms Moves to Georgia
RemArms 2023 the oldest gun manufacturer in the United States has decided that the political warfare and bias views from New York is not good for business. The have picked a spot I think in 2018-2019 in the Southeast of the United States. The area they have chosen is home to a few Gun makers already Daniel Defense and HK … RemArms Moves to GeorgiaRead more
Social Media and Guns
Social Media and Guns are like water and oil these days. I am browsing and notice more and more group on Facebook are gone and twitter or X are spam havens with no good users. I have tried Parler and Gab and Mewe. All these social media outlets have an agenda and its not for the firearm owners. Some say … Social Media and GunsRead more
Whole Gun Holster Review
Recently I went on the search for a affordable in-the-waistband (IWB) holster for the FN 509 With a Viper Vortex red dot Mounted to it. I found Whole Gun Holster on Amazon To start off I usually purchase a cheap made kydex holster to carry with the firearm first and if I like to carry the firearm I will … Whole Gun Holster ReviewRead more
Best Online Gun Retailer
I spend much of my time researching and finding the best online retailers or even local gun stores when I want to make a purchase. There are a few website that help with that but in the end I just want a good deal at an amazing price for wat I want. This had me thinking if I am in … Best Online Gun RetailerRead more
Buying guns online from Gunbroker.com
Buying guns online can not just save you money. It can be FUN! If you have some time, and some extra cash the best place to purchase a used firearm online is gunbroker.com. They are a used gun auction site. If you can imagine Ebay for guns that is what gunbroker.com basically is. And some of the deals are fantastic. … Buying guns online from Gunbroker.comRead more